Welcome to OPUS, we are a user group from RNOH Stanmore Orthotic and Prosthetic centre. All patients and their family and carers are welcome to join and get involved.
Please sign up to our mailing list below so we can keep you informed with news and upcoming events.
If you would like to speak to an OPUS FRIEND please email OPUS-rnoh@outlook.com
Prosthetic Review
14th November 2018
OPUS invited the Commissioning and Engagement Team who are completing the NHS England Review into prosthetic services to a meeting at Stanmore RNOH. We had a fantastic turnout and worthwhile meeting where users had their say on the new prosthetic service. If you would like to see the meeting notes please email us and we will gladly send these out.
Please email Jane @ OPUS-rnoh@outlook.com to be kept up to date on Review progress.
----------------------------------------------------------------- Next User Meeting 23rd OCT 2019 -2pm
room A, prosthetic centre, RNOH, Stanmore
NEXT The Big Meet Up
23rd Nov 2019
Thank you so much to everyone who came along and made this a truly fabulous event. We were also very pleased to welcome Carolyn from the Prosthetic review who came along and chatted individually to anyone who wished to add their comments to the review.
Thank you also to Step up,Rlug, and Limbless association for coming along and supporting OPUS.
for more information email Jane
The Battle Axes
Butterfly Lane